ACE Program
Our flagship academic programs are the ACE Program (Academic Creative Engagement) and Minecraft Education Program. The curricula of these programs offer math, literacy, engineering, technology, and social/ emotional learning. The programs emphasize project-based problem solving, confidence building, perseverance, communication and collaboration to traditionally hundreds of Trenton youth ages 8-18. The
NJTLT ACE and Minecraft curriculum was created by NJTLT teachers, and the ACE program has been adopted by more than fifty other NJTL chapters nationwide. We also offer a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Program for 6th-8th grades. A coding class in Python is currently offered to our more advanced Minecraft mentors and students.
When combined with a tennis program, it provides important developmental assets and reflects the ideals and principles of Arthur Ashe by giving children access to a safe, healthy and educational opportunity. It can easily operate in partnership with schools, community centers, governmental programs, universities and other after-school providers. The lessons support classroom instruction and encourage students to communicate. Schools are mandated in preparing children for specific school and state assessments; whereas an out-of-school program provides the chance to talk about learning –the importance of thinking, discussing math concepts, writing clearly and speaking well. The activities contained in ACE provide a platform from which this goal can be reached.
The ACE curriculum consists of 50 activities to motivate and prepare students for success both in school and on court. It includes additional activities to stimulate thinking and writing for the Arthur Ashe Essay Contest. The curriculum is designed for grades 3 through 5; however, it can easily be differentiated to engage additional ages and grade levels. The lessons are created to be supportive, engaging and experiential in nature. They are guided by academic standards developed by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) and support the Core Curriculum State Standards. Cooperative learning is encouraged to help children think about what they can do to build a respectful, emotional climate on and off the court.
If you have any questions about the ACE Program, please contact Steve Duncan, ACE Sales & Marketing Manager, at
Life Skills
The NJTL of Trenton is considered a First Serve life skills chapter with USTA. It participates in the National Student Athletic Competition portion of the program with its Ashe Elite players. Report card grades & tournament results determine points earned throughout the year. The winners can earn up to a $1,000 scholarship from NJTLT and a chance to win $5,000 in college scholarship funds from the USTA.
NJTLT incorporates technology (iPads & lap top computers) into many our initiatives. Not only does it enhance and differentiate our existing programs, but it provides exciting opportunities for Trenton youth who may have little access to computer technology in their school system or at home. It supports the academic, tennis and nutritional education components by adding a “traveling” computer literacy program.
The NJTL of Trenton provides academic tutoring for those who need help with homework or test preparation. Volunteers and certified teachers are available for support. In addition, computers are available for those who do not have access to technology.